Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Chaos and Crisis serves the Islamic Republic

Faith Freedom:

October 30, 2005

By: Amil Imani

On behalf of the voiceless Iranian people in Iran , I strongly condemn the recent blatant comments calling for the destruction of the great nation of Israel by the newly selected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iranian people neither agree with the handpicked President Ahmadinejad’s comments, nor have any such desire to eradicate the people of Israel . As a matter of fact, Iranians are very proud of the action of their champion of human rights, Cyrus the Great. It was this great Persian trailblazer of human rights, who freed the Jews from captivity and promoted freedom of culture, religion and beliefs in the vast empire under his rule, something we wish to follow.

Political correctness is the normal tongue of politicians. What we are seeing coming from the Islamic regime in Iran is an aculeate tongue from a self-appointed group of vigilantes imposing their views on others. Ahmadinejad, the ultra-conservative President of the Islamic Republic, after all, is a former hostage taker and an assassin who killed Dr. Ghasemlu, the head of Iran Kurdish Democratic Party. Once again, he is creating chaos and crisis to give life to the Islamic regime. His comments are meant for the Islamic Republic hegemony in the greater Middle East and intended to divert the world’s attention from the real internal problems in Iran . We should be expecting more of the same in the future.

"Ahmadinejad has clearly declared the doctrine of his government. He is returning Iran to the revolutionary goals it was pursuing in the 1980s," said Mohammad Sadeq Hosseini, an expert on Middle Eastern affairs.

"By these comments, Ahmadinejad is committing himself to those goals. He is also sending the message that his government won't back down."

Since coming to existence twenty-seven years ago, the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khomeini set the stage for absolute power through creating chaos and crisis. Chaos and crises have emerged as the new policy of the Islamic Republic. At the beginning of the revolution, while Iranian people were getting ready to obliterate the Khomeini and his Islamic lackeys, the American hostage crisis and their captivity took place. This was much needed crises for Khomeini and his gang to suppress the Iranian people’s aspirations for greater freedom, while challenging the “Great Satan”, which helped to solidify their position among the poor and most Muslim countries.

This chaos and crises escalated for eight more years as Iraqis launched a surprised attack on Iran . As President select Ahmadinejad himself stated, this war was a blessing from God. This crucial eight year war with Iraq allowed the Islamic Republic to take shape while continuing fabrications, lies, harassment, arrests, murders and intimidation of the Iranian people. If Saddam had not attacked Iran , more than likely, the Islamic regime would have collapsed at its early stages. After all, people did not sacrifice their children so that they could have a tyrannical Islamic cult to rule over them.

After the war, the Islamic Republic continued its brutal purges, killing anyone perceived as opponent. The tyrannical and brutal regime imposed and forced millions of Iranians to run away from their homeland. The war left behind hundreds of thousands of Iranians dead or homeless. Now, the Islamic Republic needed another reason for chaos and crises to continue its mission of creating an Islamic nation. What better choice other than diverting the attention to the most detested nation by the Muslims in the heart of the Arab world, the State of Israel which has been involved in a conflict with the Palestinians for half a century!

When the revolution went sour and her children grew up, the Khomeini’s dream of making Iran a pure form of an Islamic nation collapsed. It simply backfired on the Islamists. The vast majority of the population had already written them off, but the regime refused to leave peacefully. Again, anytime they were on the verge of extinction, they created new or renewed chaos and crises.

Khomeini and his supporters learned from the Stalinist techniques of establishing informers in every neighborhood. This, coupled with fierce punishments for suspected traitors and their families, created a fear among the population that made rebellion difficult. More importantly, it created a group of thugs, torturers and secret policemen who were hated by the population. This hate was good for the leaders of the Islamic regime, for it ensured the loyalty of these henchmen, these foreign thugs.

Ayatollah Khomeini was a harsh and brutal tyrant. His mission was to purge pre-Islamic vestiges and to create a true Islamic nation, something his heir Ayatollah Ali Khamenehi and his loyal disciple President Ahmadinejad dreamed about. With the selection of Mohammad Khatami in August 1977 as the Iranian president, the world and especially European countries started appeasement policies, ignoring all the warning signs by the Iranian oppositions abroad. This gave the Islamic regime eight more precious years to secretly research and development of their Islamic bomb. The regime has emptied out the wealth of the nation in developing the most devastating bomb, the nuclear bomb and the missiles to deliver them.

Whether or not the Islamic regime actually possesses the bomb or not is still in question. One thing is for certain, they have the technology and the will to use them and to share them with the terrorists. In the democratic republic of Iran this could have been tolerated and most Iranians would have defended the right of the Iranian nation to develop a nuclear bomb for the purpose of deterrence. However, with the dismal record of the unstable Islamic Republic, acquiring a bomb equates to a very uncertain future.

Now is the prefect time for the community of nations to implement maximum pressure against the Islamic Republic to behave in a civilized manner and to bow to the will of its people. However, if they refuse, they must be censured by the world community and expelled from the United Nations.

Amil Imani, a native of Iran , is a poet, essayist, novelist, literary translator and pro democracy activist.


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