Sunday, April 30, 2006

Iran Says Imposition of Sanctions Would Provoke Strong Response

Voice of America:

By Challiss McDonough


30 April 2006

Iran has warned that it will take "radical measures" if the U.N. Security Council imposes sanctions over Iran's nuclear program. But the Foreign Ministry also says Iran will cooperate fully with the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency, if its case is referred back there.

Iran is continuing efforts to head off international action over its nuclear program, combining promises of cooperation with vows never to back down.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi told reporters, Iran is open to dialogue, but he said the imposition of sanctions would provoke a strong response.

"If the Security Council discusses Iran's case and decides against us, Iran will keep all its options open," he said. "This means that if their decision is radical, Iran's reaction will be radical. If it is rational, our decisions will also be rational."

The U.N. nuclear watchdog agency reported to the Security Council on Friday that Iran has failed to comply with Security Council demands that it stop its nuclear-enrichment program.

Iran says it has successfully enriched uranium to the level needed for nuclear power plants, and insists that the process is irreversible. Tehran says the international community must now deal with it as a nuclear power.

Western nations believe Tehran could be building a nuclear bomb. Iranian leaders have denied that, and say their nuclear ambitions are peaceful.

The United States, France and Britain want the Security Council to legally require Iran to freeze its nuclear-enrichment activity. Such a decision could pave the way for sanctions, if Iran still fails to comply. But the two other veto-holding nations on the Security Council, Russia and China, favor continued diplomatic efforts.

Iran has made several attempts to have the case referred back to the International Atomic Energy Agency.

On Saturday, Iran offered to let the agency, known as the IAEA, resume snap inspections of its nuclear facilities.

Asefi says if the agency and the Security Council commit to dealing with the case only through the IAEA, in his words, "We are ready for maximum cooperation."

Speaking in Pakistan, Iran's deputy oil minister said he doubts the Security Council will impose sanctions on Iran, because it would increase oil prices.

Iran has 10 percent of the world's proven oil reserves and is the second-largest producer in OPEC (the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries).

The foreign ministers of the five Security Council members plus Germany are scheduled to meet in New York in one week to discuss the next step.

Iran Strategy: Cold War Echo

New York Times:


WASHINGTON, April 29 — Iran and the United States have begun to reveal new strategies in their nuclear dispute that seem bound to escalate their confrontation, as both nations seek to turn to their advantage a highly critical report that portrays a nuclear program proceeding at full tilt, in growing secrecy.

In many ways, what has unfolded in the past three days resembles cold-war deception and brinkmanship, with some decidedly new twists for a very different nuclear age. As in the early days of the cold war, both sides have tried to write the rules on the fly, using every tool available — from American threats of sanctions to Iranian threats to cut off oil.

Iran, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, has been successful in gradually blinding the agency's inspectors, increasingly denying them access to crucial sites and steadfastly refusing to answer questions about suspected links between Iran's civilian nuclear program and its military.

While Iran denies any clandestine effort to build a nuclear weapon, it is clearly drawing on the diplomatic playbook of a country that has done just that — North Korea. Iran has gone so far as to boast about, and perhaps exaggerate, its nuclear prowess to try to convince the West that its program is now unstoppable.

Gholamreza Aghazadeh, the chairman of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, and other Iranian officials on Friday described their nuclear program as "irreversible." They argue that the United States should simply accept this — much as it now accepts that Pakistan and India will never give up nuclear technology.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's fiery president, said Saturday that giving up enrichment "is our red line, and we will never cross it," according to state television.

In Washington, senior Bush administration officials have taken a position at the opposite extreme. In the words of Robert Joseph, the State Department's top proliferation official, the administration is determined to ensure that "not one centrifuge spins" in Iran.

In interviews in the past two days, the officials have described a plan to turn the United Nations Security Council's "requests" that Iran cease enriching uranium into an enforceable requirement.

What has chilled the Chinese, the Russians and some others in Europe, however, is that the administration is insisting on citing Iran under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, which authorizes the use of penalties, and if that is inadequate, of military force.

This is still not a contest between nuclear powers — Iran is not believed to have a bomb yet, and intelligence estimates say that day is still 5 to 10 years away, assuming there is no clandestine effort that no one has detected.

Instead, it is an effort by the United States and some other nations to refashion the nuclear rules.

They want to declare that even if Iran is legally entitled under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to enrich uranium for civilian purposes, Mr. Ahmadinejad cannot be trusted to do so. By deceiving the nuclear agency about its activities, President Bush and British, French and German officials say, Iran has given up whatever treaty rights it once enjoyed.

Mr. Bush has also acknowledged that America's credibility has been deeply harmed by the intelligence failures over Iraq.

On Friday, he tried to allay concerns that he was proceeding down the same path he used to give a legal basis for the invasion he ordered 37 months ago. "There's a difference between the two countries," he told reporters, even as his European allies worry about similarities in the American strategy.

For the first time, the administration has publicly declared, as it did in the case of Iraq, that if the Security Council fails to act, Mr. Bush will organize "like-minded nations" to begin to impose punishment.

"We have not conceded the point and we will not concede the point that Iran will become a nuclear weapons power," said R. Nicholas Burns, who directs the diplomatic talks for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

He insisted that Iran was mistaken if it thought that the Bush administration would ever allow its nuclear activity to go ahead— which is essentially what has happened in North Korea for the past three years, while negotiations have dragged on to the brink of collapse.

"The difference in the two situations is that in Iran you have a state situated in the most volatile area of the world, where they are the leading central banker of terrorist actions," Mr. Burns said. "What they can't count on is a compliant and divided international community."

The strategies have only hardened the other side's position.

Washington's episodic saber-rattling — from the president's vague comments that "all options" are on the table if diplomacy fails, and the increasingly public discussion of whether he or the Israelis will ultimately opt for a military strike — has so far failed.

The Iranians have responded with threats of their own, knowing that even the specter of confrontation rattles the oil markets and sends prices to new levels, enriching Iran and heightening the pain for Mr. Bush and American consumers.

The Iranians may have also overplayed their hand.

While they insist that their current activities are within their treaty obligations, they ignore the I.A.E.A.'s finding that Tehran hid some of its activities for two decades. And Friday's report accuses Iran of continuing to hide vital information.

But this dispute is about more than transparency. It is also about national pride and Iran's insistence on self-sufficiency and independence. That may help explain why Iran has celebrated enrichment with dancers in traditional dress, who paraded on national television while holding a small box said to contain the fruits of their atomic labors.

The inspectors' report confirmed that Iran had succeeded in enriching uranium at a low level, but it would take significantly more processing, equipment, and problem-solving to produce fuel for a bomb. Fabricating a warhead would take even more time, and risk detection.

"The real fight here is not over whether they have a weapons program, it is over whether they can create a nuclear weapons option," said Gary Samore, who led nonproliferation efforts in the Clinton administration and continues to study the Iranian program, speaking earlier this year.

"And that is the smoke-and-mirrors game, convincing everyone that they have that capability."

That is what most concerns senior officials inside the Bush administration. Officials who deal with nuclear strategy note that it is now widely assumed that North Korea has several to 10 nuclear weapons — even though the North Koreans have never conducted a nuclear test.

"We think the Iranians looked at the Koreans and learned a lesson," said a senior official, who would not speak for attribution on a matter of nuclear strategy.

It would be a very different approach than the one taken by the Russians in the late 1940's, or the Chinese in the early 1960's, or the Indians and Pakistanis in the late 1990's, all of whom set off nuclear explosions to prove their powers. Given the limited access allowed I.A.E.A.

inspectors, officials here and in Vienna say, there would be no way to verify, or disprove, Iran's claims.

Mr. Bush has therefore taken the position that Iran must give up everything. He said Friday, "The Iranians should not have a nuclear weapon, the capacity to make a nuclear weapon, or the knowledge as to how to make a nuclear weapon."

The Russians and Chinese view that as unrealistic; a senior Russian official said it was time for a "détente" with Iran, drawing another term from the cold war.

In Vienna, Mohamed ElBaradei, the director general of the atomic agency, has made it clear in conversations with diplomats that he believes pragmatism will eventually dictate that Iran be allowed some limited form of enrichment, monitored constantly by his agency.

But there is the fear — here, and in Vienna — that the I.A.E.A. is seeing only part of the program, and that the evasive answers to its questions hide a clandestine effort, somewhere under the desert. As Tehran restricts international inspections, it will be harder to know whether its program more closely resembles the very real one in Pakistan, whose scientists sold technology to Iran, or the nuclear mirage in Iraq.

U.S. Rejects Offer on Inspections

TEHRAN, April 29 (AP) — Iran said Saturday that it would allow United Nations inspectors to resume inspections of its nuclear facilities, but only if the dispute was returned to the United Nations' nuclear monitor.

The White House rejected the offer.

Iran gave no ground on the United Nations Security Council's demand that it stop enriching uranium but offered to allow the inspections if the Council dropped the matter; Council members have been at odds over imposing sanctions on Iran.

David E. Sanger reported from Washington for this article, and Elaine Sciolino from Vienna.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Iran Says It Will Share Nuclear Skills

New York Times:


TEHRAN, April 25—Iran's supreme leader said today in a meeting with the Sudanese president that Iran was ready to share its nuclear technology with other countries.

"Iran's nuclear capability is one example of various scientific capabilities in the country. The Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to transfer the experience, knowledge and technology of its scientists," said the supreme religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, IRNA news agency reported.

Mr. Khamenei's comments to the leader of Sudan, one of the most unstable countries in Africa, came a few days ahead of the Friday deadline by the United Nations Security Council for Iran to suspend its sensitive uranium enrichment activities.

At a conference on its nuclear program in Tehran today, senior officials rejected the demand and vowed that Iran will continue its enrichment activities.

Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, said that if the Security Council imposed sanctions, Iran will suspend its cooperation with the United Nations nuclear agency, and any military strike aimed at destroying its enrichment facilities will lead Iran to hide its program.

"If you decide to use sanction against us, our relation with the agency will be suspended," Mr. Larijani said. "Military action against Iran will not lead to the closure of the program," he added.

"If you take harsh measures, we will hide this program. Then you cannot solve the nuclear issue."

"You may inflict a loss on us but you will lose also," he warned.

Mr. Larijani said that Iran is willing to cooperate if its case is returned to the International Atomic Energy Agency. "But do not expect us to act otherwise if you drag the case to the Security Council," he added.

Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a senior cleric and chairman of the powerful Expediency Council, denounced the role of the nuclear agency at the conference and said the I.A.E.A. has failed to support Iran's program.

"I am not saying that the agency has had bad intentions," he said. "But it has not fulfilled its duty to support countries to enjoy their right to have nuclear technology," he added.

The head of Iran's atomic organization, Gholamreza Aghazadeh, left Tehran for the I.A.E.A.'s headquarters in Vienna today, ISNA news agency reported.

What It Takes to Build a Militia

by General Falco

What It Takes to Build a Militia

A speech given by General Falco, Leader of the Brotherhood of Nod.

Many people feel that their purpose in life is to achieve a certain goal that seems impossible to achieve. These goals might be, say, forming one's own country, taking over an existing country, reviving the Confederate States, & cet. But the problem is that in some cases (such as living in the United States), passive resistance will not help very much. So, weapons and loyal soldiers seem to be the only way to get one's point across. Nod's purpose, for example, as most of you know, is to unite the Western World into a nation, puppet the rest of the globe (with the exception of Africa and the Confederate States), thus rendering the entire earth under our command. But in order to undertake such a task, we have decided to build a militia, a fighting force that can carry out our goals with ease.

The dictionary defines a militia as "A group of freelance, usually self-declared and self-trained soldiers, who band together for the sake of a cause." The Brotherhood could not be described in better words. But our weapons research and scientific study has turned us from a ragtag band of soldiers, incapable even of marching in a straight line to a strong fighting force, albeit small, with one goal in mind; the return of civilization.

But what have I, as your Leader, done to make this militia? Surely I took inspiration (and a few other things) from the organization of the same name from the C&C games, but most of it was my idea. And what does go into the making of a militia such as this? I will tell you. Many a night I have lost sleep over plans and technologies and other things that could help build the Brotherhood. But here are the main points in forming a militia:

1. Strong leadership. This cannot be emphasized enough. How can people possibly stay together without a leader to guide them and keep them as a team? But this particular person cannot just be any ordinary person. He has to be strong in body and mind, a genius in military tactics, an honest person full of integrity, a spiritual person with strong belief in his god or higher power, whatever he believes in, and he must be able to convince his brethren of a certain point. If you roll all of these things in with courage and sensitivity, you have before you the ideal leader and model commander.

2. A fanatical fighting force. Yes, fanatical. Without that kind of charisma, no goal can be met. These people must live for the cause, eat for the cause, breath for the cause, sleep for the cause, and dream of the day when that cause is achieved. Also, they must be well-trained with weaponry. To the Brotherhood, strength in numbers can possibly be important, but it is strength in weapons and technology that are truly the key. That is why when facing up with an army bigger than your own, hit-and-run tactics can be applied and defeat of the other side is immanent. And proper use of these weapons and proper knowledge of this technology can help us to overcome even the United States army.

3. A weapons stockpile. Sure, it'll be hard to pull something like this off, but that is one of the reasons why Nod is so secretive; to hide its operations from the Government until we're breathing right down their necks. Then we will be able to use these weapons we have gathered and occupy nations, cities, provinces, and anything else you can think of. Also to be stockpiled are bombs, flame throwers, missiles (if it is feasible to acquire them), poisons, explosive powders, & cet.

4. Supporters. A militia cannot very well succeed without the support of the mob, as Nietzsche called the common people. Although Nod will definitely be no democracy, popular support is essential if you want to succeed in something. If people don't have your support, they will rise up and, although your forces may be strong enough to suppress a movement such as this, your control will eventually be overturned. Look what happened to the Soviet Union and take that for an example. If you loose the support of the people, then your rule will not last.

5. Finances. What else are you going to buy your weaponry with? You can't use the barter system anymore, so money is definitely one of the key elements in constructing a militia. Not only do you need it to buy guns and explosives, but you also need it to pay the higher military and government officials for their services.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate the importance of remembering these tips as we continue to build and shape the Brotherhood's future. We together must take what is our birthright. And we must take it now or lose it forever. One vision, one purpose!

Roots and history of Islamofascism


Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will discover that

Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no Pan-Islamic Jihad against the West and the non-Muslims.

Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no hatred between the Jews and the Arabs.

Why did Osama Bin Ladin say in his speech on Al Jizira that this Jihad has been lasting for 80 years?

Because 80 years ago, Amin Al Husseini, the man who officialized Islamic hate, declared Holy War on the West and the Jews.Bin Ladin and many other terror chiefs are only believers in Amin Al Husseini, who have dedicated their life to his ideology.

As you will see in the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH

Amin Al Husseini was a friend and close collaborator of Hitler and Mussolini, who saw himself as the Muslim arm of theworld Nazi coalition. Husseini promised Hitler and Mussolini to turn Islam into the most formidable weapon against the West and the Jews. After the war he helped organize the creation of dictatorships all over the Muslim world, where many of his believers are now the leaders. Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Assad of Syria, and other Arab dictators were all schooled at Husseini's feet. Amin al Husseini was at different intervals the head of the Islamic World Congress, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Arab League. As a leader of these organizations, until his death in the 70's, he had the time and possibility to spread his hate philosophy all over the Muslim world. Since Husseini's days, the whole Islamic world has been infected with armies of fascist violent groups.Osama bin Laden and all other Muslim terror chiefs are ardent followers of Amin Al Husseini.

Read the timelines in our website TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will learn the simple history which lead to today's conflicts, so you can pass the truth to the generations to come. Read the weblinks at the end of each timeline of this website and do your own search for further sources. We are just opening up the real debate about truth.


Read our timelines to know the origin of today's antisemitism.

As you will see, there is evidence that Amin Al Husseini was the one whofirst proposed the FINAL SOLUTION to the Germans, in order to avoid mass migration of Jews to their homeland and prevent the creation of the State of Israel. Read how Husseini's soldiers killed Jews and escorted Jewish refugees to the death camps. Husseini lived in Berlin during WWII and from there he broadcasted hate propaganda against Jews to the Muslim countries. Before Amin Al Husseini, Jews and Muslims lived side by side peacefully for many centuries. Husseini's influence as President of the World Islamic Congress in 1962 led to the systematic expulsion of hundred of thousands of Jews from Islamic countries.Husseini's huge influence is at the origin of the hatred and the violence in the mid-East. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and learn for yourself.


In his lifetime, Amin Al Husseini organized andparticipated in the GENOCIDES of Armenians, Christian Assyrians, Croats, Serbs, Bulgars and Gypsies first in the name of the Ottoman Empire, and later for Nazi Germany. Over 2 million Christian Sudanese have been killed by Islamic Fundamentalists who were inspired by Husseini's hateful ideology. Get informed and learn the facts for yourself from our timelines and weblinks or other sources.


The Islamo-Nazis inspired by Al Husseini are responsible for killing over 60 thousand Hindus in the last 2 decades in India alone, and for cultivating anti-Hindu hatred in the hearts of the Pakistanis, Muslim Kashmiris, and Afghans. The Hindus of Afghanistan, under Taliban rule, were forced to wear a special sign to be singled out as non-Muslims, a strong reminder of how Hitler imposed the yellow star on the Jews. In Bangladesh, over 3 million Hindus were murdered under the sword of Jihad, and by people poisoned by Husseini's hate philosophy. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and get informed on the history of the fascist Jihad against Hindus and humanity.


Was it not just a few years ago that the Taliban of Afghanistan destroyed, without reason, the world's most ancient statues of Buddha?As you will see in TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH, this would have been unthinkable in the Muslim world before Amin Al Husseini.


In Iran, persecussion of Bahai people under Islamic rule has been covered up by Iranian officials who practice torture and murder against the Bahai in the name of Husseini's distorted version of Islam: a weapon of oppression against humanity. Get the facts and demand Justice. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH provides you with a true insight into the root of this new paranoid philosophy called Jihad.


Read TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will learn that the root of this evil called fundamentalism is not original Islam, it is plain fascism. The representant of this foreign ideology in the Arab world was Amin Al Husseini, who tried to marry Nazism with Islam. Read TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and study our links for evidence that Amin Al Husseini organized and participated in terror in Islamic countries, and had Muslims mercilessly massacred by his followers. You will learn how during the years that Husseini spent at Hitler's side, he mastered the science of mass manipulation and propaganda, which characterized the Third Reich, and subsequently applied it in Arab countries, after having commited genocides in the Balkans. You will also learn how, with utter disregard for Islamic sanctity, Husseini had the late King Abdallah of Jordan, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, assassinated in the moment of prayer. Why? Because King Abdallah was a proponent of peace with the Jews. Learn how Husseini's followers in the Muslim Brotherhood also assassinated Egyptian President Sadat, and participated in the first attack on the World Trade Center. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH reveals how, because of groups linked with Husseini's fascist ideology, at least 2 hundred thousand Muslims have died in Algeria in the past decade, where Islamic fundamentalists slaughter their victims daily, thus desecrating Islam and the Kur'an. Our timlelines and weblinks show how Two million Sudanese lost their life to this tyranny in the name of Islam. One million, mostly Christians, have been massacred over the past forty years in East Timor and Indonesia. It is of utmost importance for Muslims to learn about and radically reject Husseini's version of Islam, which is really anti-Islamic and was actually borrowed from the German Nazis. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH shows that Husseini hosted among the most notorious Nazis who survived World War II in Syria and had them organize terror and policing in Arab countries. Husseini's use of the Holy Book of Islam as a tool of hate was not new: Hitler and Mussolini had done the same using the Bible. Our website will make this clear to everyone : The suicide attackers do not carry out their shocking missions until they have been fed Husseini's poisonous interpretations of Islam. The last free voices of Islam are warning us that this Husseini/Wahhabi poison is being injected daily in mosques worldwide. The message to all of Husseini's followers must be simple and direct: If Islam before Husseini was good enough for generations of peaceful believers who could live side by side with other peoples, then it is still good enough for all Muslims today. Have the answer ready when your children ask you : " Why Islam?"

The dream of a brutal Islamic world take-over is not and never was original Islam. It originated in a sick and hateful mind dedicated to trick and manipulate millions of Muslims into being the unconscious carriers of hatred against humanity. His name : Amin Al Husseini. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and study our links so you can tell the story. The more people know about it, the sooner all will be free from the Husseini nightmare, and our children will have the chance to awaken to a better world.

Roots and history of Islamofascism


Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will discover that

Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no Pan-Islamic Jihad against the West and the non-Muslims.

Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no hatred between the Jews and the Arabs.

Why did Osama Bin Ladin say in his speech on Al Jizira that this Jihad has been lasting for 80 years?

Because 80 years ago, Amin Al Husseini, the man who officialized Islamic hate, declared Holy War on the West and the Jews.Bin Ladin and many other terror chiefs are only believers in Amin Al Husseini, who have dedicated their life to his ideology.

As you will see in the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH

Amin Al Husseini was a friend and close collaborator of Hitler and Mussolini, who saw himself as the Muslim arm of theworld Nazi coalition. Husseini promised Hitler and Mussolini to turn Islam into the most formidable weapon against the West and the Jews. After the war he helped organize the creation of dictatorships all over the Muslim world, where many of his believers are now the leaders. Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Assad of Syria, and other Arab dictators were all schooled at Husseini's feet. Amin al Husseini was at different intervals the head of the Islamic World Congress, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Arab League. As a leader of these organizations, until his death in the 70's, he had the time and possibility to spread his hate philosophy all over the Muslim world. Since Husseini's days, the whole Islamic world has been infected with armies of fascist violent groups.Osama bin Laden and all other Muslim terror chiefs are ardent followers of Amin Al Husseini.

Read the timelines in our website TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will learn the simple history which lead to today's conflicts, so you can pass the truth to the generations to come. Read the weblinks at the end of each timeline of this website and do your own search for further sources. We are just opening up the real debate about truth.


Read our timelines to know the origin of today's antisemitism.

As you will see, there is evidence that Amin Al Husseini was the one whofirst proposed the FINAL SOLUTION to the Germans, in order to avoid mass migration of Jews to their homeland and prevent the creation of the State of Israel. Read how Husseini's soldiers killed Jews and escorted Jewish refugees to the death camps. Husseini lived in Berlin during WWII and from there he broadcasted hate propaganda against Jews to the Muslim countries. Before Amin Al Husseini, Jews and Muslims lived side by side peacefully for many centuries. Husseini's influence as President of the World Islamic Congress in 1962 led to the systematic expulsion of hundred of thousands of Jews from Islamic countries.Husseini's huge influence is at the origin of the hatred and the violence in the mid-East. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and learn for yourself.


In his lifetime, Amin Al Husseini organized andparticipated in the GENOCIDES of Armenians, Christian Assyrians, Croats, Serbs, Bulgars and Gypsies first in the name of the Ottoman Empire, and later for Nazi Germany. Over 2 million Christian Sudanese have been killed by Islamic Fundamentalists who were inspired by Husseini's hateful ideology. Get informed and learn the facts for yourself from our timelines and weblinks or other sources.


The Islamo-Nazis inspired by Al Husseini are responsible for killing over 60 thousand Hindus in the last 2 decades in India alone, and for cultivating anti-Hindu hatred in the hearts of the Pakistanis, Muslim Kashmiris, and Afghans. The Hindus of Afghanistan, under Taliban rule, were forced to wear a special sign to be singled out as non-Muslims, a strong reminder of how Hitler imposed the yellow star on the Jews. In Bangladesh, over 3 million Hindus were murdered under the sword of Jihad, and by people poisoned by Husseini's hate philosophy. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and get informed on the history of the fascist Jihad against Hindus and humanity.


Was it not just a few years ago that the Taliban of Afghanistan destroyed, without reason, the world's most ancient statues of Buddha?As you will see in TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH, this would have been unthinkable in the Muslim world before Amin Al Husseini.


In Iran, persecussion of Bahai people under Islamic rule has been covered up by Iranian officials who practice torture and murder against the Bahai in the name of Husseini's distorted version of Islam: a weapon of oppression against humanity. Get the facts and demand Justice. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH provides you with a true insight into the root of this new paranoid philosophy called Jihad.


Read TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will learn that the root of this evil called fundamentalism is not original Islam, it is plain fascism. The representant of this foreign ideology in the Arab world was Amin Al Husseini, who tried to marry Nazism with Islam. Read TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and study our links for evidence that Amin Al Husseini organized and participated in terror in Islamic countries, and had Muslims mercilessly massacred by his followers. You will learn how during the years that Husseini spent at Hitler's side, he mastered the science of mass manipulation and propaganda, which characterized the Third Reich, and subsequently applied it in Arab countries, after having commited genocides in the Balkans. You will also learn how, with utter disregard for Islamic sanctity, Husseini had the late King Abdallah of Jordan, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, assassinated in the moment of prayer. Why? Because King Abdallah was a proponent of peace with the Jews. Learn how Husseini's followers in the Muslim Brotherhood also assassinated Egyptian President Sadat, and participated in the first attack on the World Trade Center. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH reveals how, because of groups linked with Husseini's fascist ideology, at least 2 hundred thousand Muslims have died in Algeria in the past decade, where Islamic fundamentalists slaughter their victims daily, thus desecrating Islam and the Kur'an. Our timlelines and weblinks show how Two million Sudanese lost their life to this tyranny in the name of Islam. One million, mostly Christians, have been massacred over the past forty years in East Timor and Indonesia. It is of utmost importance for Muslims to learn about and radically reject Husseini's version of Islam, which is really anti-Islamic and was actually borrowed from the German Nazis. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH shows that Husseini hosted among the most notorious Nazis who survived World War II in Syria and had them organize terror and policing in Arab countries. Husseini's use of the Holy Book of Islam as a tool of hate was not new: Hitler and Mussolini had done the same using the Bible. Our website will make this clear to everyone : The suicide attackers do not carry out their shocking missions until they have been fed Husseini's poisonous interpretations of Islam. The last free voices of Islam are warning us that this Husseini/Wahhabi poison is being injected daily in mosques worldwide. The message to all of Husseini's followers must be simple and direct: If Islam before Husseini was good enough for generations of peaceful believers who could live side by side with other peoples, then it is still good enough for all Muslims today. Have the answer ready when your children ask you : " Why Islam?"

The dream of a brutal Islamic world take-over is not and never was original Islam. It originated in a sick and hateful mind dedicated to trick and manipulate millions of Muslims into being the unconscious carriers of hatred against humanity. His name : Amin Al Husseini. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and study our links so you can tell the story. The more people know about it, the sooner all will be free from the Husseini nightmare, and our children will have the chance to awaken to a better world.

Senior Iran Cleric Tells Sudan That Nuclear Aid Is Available

New York Times:


TEHRAN, April 25 — Iran's supreme leader said Tuesday at a meeting here with the Sudanese president that Iran was ready to share its nuclear technology with other countries.

"Iran's nuclear capability is one example of various scientific capabilities in the country," the leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said to President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, the news agency IRNA reported. "The Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to transfer the experience, knowledge and technology of its scientists."

Mr. Khamenei made his comments just days before the Friday deadline set by the United Nations Security Council for Iran to suspend its uranium enrichment.

At a conference on Tuesday in Tehran on its nuclear program, senior officials vowed that Iran would continue its enrichment activities.

Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, said that in the event of Security Council sanctions, Iran would suspend cooperation with the United Nations nuclear agency. If there is a military strike aimed at destroying its facilities, Iran will simply hide its nuclear program, he added. "You may inflict a loss on us, but you will lose also," he said.

Mr. Larijani said Iran was willing to cooperate if its case was returned to the International Atomic Energy Agency, but warned, "Do not expect us to act otherwise if you drag the case to the Security Council."

Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a senior cleric and head of the powerful Expediency Council, speaking at the conference, denounced the role of the nuclear agency and said it had failed to support Iran's program.

"I am not saying that the agency has had bad intentions," he said. "But it has not fulfilled its duty to support countries to enjoy their right to have nuclear technology."

West will stop Iran getting WMDs, says Israeli premier

Ireland Online:

29/04/2006 - 13:10:39

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert expressed confidence that the West will prevent Iran from obtaining weapons of mass destruction and compared Iran’s president with Adolf Hitler for calling for Israel’s destruction.

The remarks were published in Germany’s Bild newspaper today – a day after the UN nuclear watchdog said Iran had failed to observe a deadline for halting uranium enrichment activity.

“The West – above all under the leadership of the United States – will ensure that Iran under no circumstances comes to possess unconventional weapons,” Olmert was quoted as saying in an interview.

“The president of the US is a very brave man who understands that very well,” Olmert said.

Olmert wouldn’t say whether he thought a military conflict with Iran could become inevitable.

However, he said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s repeated calls for the destruction of Israel underlined the need to limit Iran’s military strength.

“Ahmadinejad talks today like Hitler before he seized power” in Germany in the 1930s, Olmert said.

“We are dealing with a psychopath of the worst kind. … God forbid that this man ever gets his hands on nuclear weapons,” Olmert was quoted as saying.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Petition to free Iran

Petition Online:

To: Honorable President Of United States George W. Bush, General Secretary of the United Nations Mr. Kofi Annan, U.S. Congress, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Mr. John Bolton, Senator Brownback, EU Heads of States, Heads of the world’s democratic states, The United Nation Commission for Human Rights Special Rapporteur, U.S. Secretay of State, the European Parliament, Amnesty International, , Reporters Without Borders , Human Rights Watch, and International Criminal Court (ICC)

The undersigned are individually or as a group unequivocally and unconditionally are in favor of regime change in Iran by peaceful means. We believe this could effectively be done through support of the Iranian Opposition Groups within Iran and outside along with world wide economic sanctions, targeting government hierarchy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. We support and respect the aspiration of the people of Iran for freedom and democracy.

We further declare that:

1- Mahmood Ahmadinejad does not represent Iranian people as his election involved fraudulent activities.

2- In the 2nd article of IRI constitution it is stated that the foundation of governing, and legislation only comes from God. Foundation and basis of legislation comes from Quran and living tradition of profit Mohammad and his family. “Imam” supreme leader or (Velayate Faghih) is the interpreter of the legislations.

Velayat e Faghih is an unelected body and does not represent Iranians. The position of “Imam” supreme leader or (Velayate Faghih) is contrary to any fundamentals of democracy.

3- Based on the constitution of the IRI, the “Imam” supreme leader or (Velayate Faghih) is the interpreter of the legislations in addition to the fuqaha' of the Guardian Council who are judges in this matter. The guardian council members are selected by the Imam.

Therefore, religious discrimination, killing of the non-Moslems, individual or group execution of the dissidents, amputation of limbs, eye gouging, flogging, torture, raping the virgin dissident females the night before the execution, stoning, property confiscation of the Moslems and non-Moslems, killing of persons who change their religion, killing of homosexuals, valuing women half of a man, killing of children by their fathers or grandfathers, selling daughters at any age for marriage, execution of children , state sponsorship of terrorism and support of religious terrorism worldwide to export the divine rule is considered legal and in accordance to the religious order.

4- Human Rights violations by the Islamic "Republic" of Iran have reached an unprecedented colossal level of cruelty and barbarism.

5- We further recognize bombing Iran and its infrastructure will drive a wedge between the Iranian people who are the most pro-American nation in the Middle East if not in the world and the west.

6- We have come to the conclusion that the only way to deal with this unelected and undemocratic regime is to deal with it strongly and with a comprehensive set of measures. The measures that we recommend and strongly advocate are as follows:

* Stop, with immediate effect, all international trades with the undemocratic Islamic “Republic” of Iran.

*Stop the purchase of oil from Iran and refrain from signing any new contracts and renewal of any existing ones.

* Blockade Iran’s ports in the Persian Gulf and possibly the Caspian Sea allowing passage of food and medicine.

*Stop all IRI satellite TV and Radio programming to the outside world

* Cease all Mullahs personal assets outside Iran including its support organization such as Alavi Foundation in New York City.

* Freeze IRI assets outside of Iran and impose prohibition on investment, a travel ban, and asset freezes for government leaders and nuclear scientists

* Worldwide announcement to all nations that any deals and contracts made with IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) by any entity is null and void. The IRI does not represent Iranians.

* Publicly identify known IRI agents, arrest and prosecute their agents abroad as promoters of international terrorism and abusers of human rights. Shut down all illegal unregisterd agent organizations representing IRI interests, their lobbyist and apologists.

* Close or limit Islamic Republic’s embassies and its activities including travel limits on Iranian diplomats.

* Release the frozen assets of Iran to the IRI opposition to be spent on strike funds and promotion of democracy.

* Expel IRI representatives from UN since the IRI constitution is contrary to the UDHR (Universal Declarations of Human Rights).

Please remember; the key to salvation of Iraq is also in freedom of Iran. The freedom-loving countries of the world must unite and assist Iranian people to end this embarrassment to humanity and civility called Islamic Republic and allow Iran to come back to the arms of the civilized nations.

In helping us, you have stopped the violence in Iraq and have made Iran reach democracy with minimum bloodshed and have preserved the peace and freedom worldwide. God Bless all of peace and freedom-loving people.


The Undersigned

Click here to sign the petition.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Iran Threatens Retaliation if U.S. Attacks

New York Times:


TEHRAN, April 26 — Iran's supreme religious leader vowed Wednesday that Iran would retaliate "twofold" if it were attacked by the United States over its refusal to comply with demands regarding its nuclear activities. He made his comments as other senior Iranians traveled to Vienna just days ahead of the deadline for international monitors to report on Iran's nuclear program.

"Iranian people and the Islamic regime will not invade any country, but the Americans should know that if they invade Iran, their interests around the world would be harmed," the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told workers gathered ahead of May Day, the international workers' holiday, the ISNA news agency reported.

"Iran will respond twofold to any attack," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

In escalating rhetoric, a number of Iranian officials have made similar threats in recent days, but the Bush administration has insisted it is pursuing a diplomatic path, even while vaguely holding open the distant option of imposing sanctions or taking military action if diplomacy fails.

Iran insists that its nuclear program is for energy-producing purposes and that it is entitled to pursue those interests, including enriching nuclear fuel. The United States and some of its European allies, however, believe the country has ambitions for a nuclear bomb.

On Wednesday in Vienna, Mohamed ElBaradei, the director general of the United Nations' monitoring group, the International Atomic Energy Agency, met with the Iranian representatives, two days before Mr. ElBaradei is to report to the United Nations Security Council.

"The talks were encouraging," Mohammad Saeedi, deputy head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, said, according to Reuters. But he gave no details.

Tension between the monitoring agency and Iran became evident after Iran refused to answer the agency's questions during a trip by Mr. ElBaradei last week. A trip by Mr. ElBaradei's deputy was canceled in protest.

Iran has been relying on the vote of two its economic allies, China and Russia, at the Security Council meeting, hoping they would use their veto power to stop any punitive measures against it.

Moscow has helped Iran build its first nuclear reactor in the southern city of Bushehr and Iran has extensive oil deals with China.

China's defense minister, Cao Gangchuan, said Wednesday that he hoped Iran's nuclear issue would be settled through diplomatic means, the New Chinese News Agency reported.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting of defense ministers from members of the Shanghai

Cooperation Organization, Mr. Cao said: "Under the current situation, there is still room to seek an appropriate settlement to the Iran nuclear issue through diplomatic negotiation. More efforts are needed to maintain such an important international consensus."

Mr. Cao said Iran, as a signer of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, enjoys the right to peaceful use of nuclear power, and should also perform relevant obligations and commitment.

Petition to bar Iran's President from attending the World Cup

Simon Wiesenthal Center:

Please join with the Simon Wiesenthal Center in its urgent campaign to bar Iran's President from attending the World Cup in Berlin in June.

Mr. Joseph S. Blatter President of Federation Internationale de Football Association

I join with the Simon Wiesenthal Center in urging you, in your capacity as President of FIFA, to bar Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from attending the forthcoming World Cup in Germany this June.

The Iranian President has openly called for Israel's destruction and is an avowed Holocaust denier, having called the Nazi Holocaust a "myth". The international community of sports must not allow such a person to sit in the VIP section at one of the world's most prestigious sporting events. His presence would evoke painful memories of the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games when leaders of the Third Reich sat in the VIP section, a move that gained them stature and acceptance throughout the world.

It would indeed be a travesty if FIFA found it fit to condemn Israel for an air strike on an empty soccer field in the Gaza Strip used for training by terrorists but would lose its voice in protest against a promoter of genocide and a Holocaust denier taking a seat in the VIP section of the World Cup.

Even if the ultimate decision to invite President Ahmadinejad to Germany was not FIFA's, it is crucial for an organization devoted to fairness and equality not to stand on the sidelines of this issue. Silence will only further embolden this dangerous demagogue.

Please act now!

Khamenei Warns US Against Attacking Iran

Voice of America:

26 April 2006

Iran's supreme leader has warned that American interests around the world will be harmed if the United States launches an attack on the Islamic Republic.

Iran's state television quoted Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as saying the Americans should know that if they invade Iran, their interests in every possible corner of the world will be harmed.

Tuesday, the Ayatollah said Iran is prepared to share nuclear technology with other countries.

Earlier, Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, warned that Tehran would stop cooperating with the U.N. nuclear agency if the Security Council imposes sanctions against Iran.

The remarks come ahead of Friday's deadline the United Nations Security Council has set for Iran to stop enriching uranium. Iranian leaders have vowed to proceed with uranium enrichment despite the Council's demand.

In Washington, the White House accused Iran of seeking to escalate the standoff over its nuclear program. Spokesman Scott McClellan also said it is time for the Security Council to consider what action needs to be taken for Tehran's "continued defiance."

The U.S. ambassador to the U.N., John Bolton, says the Council plans to consider a resolution to legally require Iran to comply with international nuclear demands. But permanent Council members China and Russia have opposed such a measure.

The United States and the European Union allege Iran is seeking to develop an atomic bomb - a charge Tehran denies.

In other news, Russia launched an Israeli reconnaissance satellite into orbit. News reports from Israel say the satellite is designed to improve the country's surveillance of Iran's nuclear program.

Iranian Leader Warns U.S. Of Reprisal

Washington Post:

Khamenei Is Defiant Ahead of U.N. Report

By Molly Moore and Thomas E. Ricks

Washington Post Foreign Service

Thursday, April 27, 2006; Page A01

PARIS, April 26 -- Escalating the threats between Washington and Tehran, Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, warned Wednesday that his country would strike U.S. targets around the world in the event it is attacked over its refusals to curb its nuclear program.

"If the U.S. ventured into any aggression on Iran, Iran will retaliate by damaging U.S. interests worldwide twice as much as the U.S. may inflict on Iran," Khamenei said in a speech to a workers' assembly, according to the official news agency IRNA.

His statement adds to a campaign of defiance by senior Iranian officials in advance of a report expected Friday by the U.N. atomic watchdog agency, which analysts predict will cite Iran for defying U.N. Security Council demands to halt its uranium enrichment program.

The heightened tensions between the United States and Iran have helped drive oil prices to record highs and have set in motion intense diplomatic meetings aimed at heading off greater destabilization in the Middle East.

In a spate of statements this week, Iranian officials have also threatened to cut oil production, export nuclear technology, bar international nuclear monitors, make their nuclear program entirely secret and withdraw from the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

While Bush administration officials have said they have no plans to attack Iran, they have repeatedly said they have not ruled out that step.

U.S. military experts are confident that U.S. forces could carry out extensive airstrikes against Iranian targets, but there is disagreement about how much of a setback such raids could impose on the Iranian nuclear program, much of which is housed underground.

Two main options are under consideration, say people familiar with Air Force thinking. The first would be a quick series of strikes against several dozen nuclear-related facilities, lasting only a few days and followed by a U.S. statement that the bombing would resume if Iran retaliated.

The second option envisions a lengthier, more ambitious campaign of waves of strikes by bombers and cruise missiles aimed at hundreds of targets, hitting not just nuclear-related facilities but also the headquarters of intelligence agencies, the Revolutionary Guard and other key government offices.

Many experts worry that Iran, dominated by Shiite Muslims, would retaliate against U.S. and British forces in neighboring Iraq by mobilizing Iraqi Shiites. It might also attack U.S. and British installations in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain through the help of Shiites in those countries. In other scenarios, Iranian agents would stage terrorist strikes against civilians in the United States, Europe and elsewhere.

The recent statements are "a war of words," said Gary G. Sick, a professor of Middle East policy at Columbia University and longtime monitor of Iranian politics. "Neither side has anything to gain by an attack on the other, but there is a chance of an accident triggering something and that's what makes the situation so dangerous."

The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency's report due Friday to the U.N. Security Council on the status of Iran's uranium enrichment program will shape debate in the council that could begin as early as next week. At issue would be possible international responses to Tehran.

An IAEA official declined to comment on the contents of the pending report.

Iran dispatched an envoy to Vienna on Wednesday to meet with representatives of the IAEA, but neither side expressed optimism about a last-minute breakthrough. Iranian leaders have said they will not stop their uranium enrichment efforts, but rather plan to expand them. "I think it's pretty clear what that report is going to say," White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Wednesday, "which is that this is a regime that is in noncompliance with its obligations; this is a regime that is not abiding by the agreement it made with the Europeans to suspend all its enrichment and enrichment-related activities."

Under an agreement reached with Britain, France and Germany, Iran had suspended enrichment work while negotiations continued toward an agreement under which Iran would receive economic and political incentives in exchange for a permanent shutdown of controversial aspects of its nuclear program. It recently restarted enrichment.

Iran says its nuclear program is exclusively directed toward generating electricity. But U.S. officials accuse it of using the program as a cover to develop nuclear weapons. The Security Council has instructed Iran to stop its uranium enrichment program out of concern that it puts the country a step closer in the years-long process of building a nuclear bomb.

Iranian authorities, playing to a domestic political audience, have cast the U.N. demands as an effort by the West to trample on its sovereign right to develop a civilian nuclear program. "The Iranian nation and its officials are peace-seekers and the Islamic republic would not invade anybody," Khamenei said Wednesday.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has also created concern abroad by repeatedly calling for the end of the Jewish state. On Monday, Ahmadinejad said the "fake" state "cannot survive" and urged Israeli immigrants to return to their home countries. He has often called the Holocaust a myth.

"Of all the threats we face, Iran is the biggest," Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said Tuesday as Israel observed Holocaust Remembrance Day. "The world must not wait. It must do everything necessary on a diplomatic level in order to stop its nuclear activity."

He added, "Since Hitler we have not faced such a threat."

Ricks reported from Washington.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Iran Says It Will Share Nuclear Skills

New York Times:


TEHRAN, April 25—Iran's supreme leader said today in a meeting with the Sudanese president that Iran was ready to share its nuclear technology with other countries.

"Iran's nuclear capability is one example of various scientific capabilities in the country. The Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to transfer the experience, knowledge and technology of its scientists," said the supreme religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, IRNA news agency reported.

Mr. Khamenei's comments to the leader of Sudan, one of the most unstable countries in Africa, came a few days ahead of the Friday deadline by the United Nations Security Council for Iran to suspend its sensitive uranium enrichment activities.

At a conference on its nuclear program in Tehran today, senior officials rejected the demand and vowed that Iran will continue its enrichment activities.

Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, said that if the Security Council imposed sanctions, Iran will suspend its cooperation with the United Nations nuclear agency, and any military strike aimed at destroying its enrichment facilities will lead Iran to hide its program.

"If you decide to use sanction against us, our relation with the agency will be suspended," Mr. Larijani said. "Military action against Iran will not lead to the closure of the program," he added.

"If you take harsh measures, we will hide this program. Then you cannot solve the nuclear issue."

"You may inflict a loss on us but you will lose also," he warned.

Mr. Larijani said that Iran is willing to cooperate if its case is returned to the International Atomic Energy Agency. "But do not expect us to act otherwise if you drag the case to the Security Council," he added.

Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a senior cleric and chairman of the powerful Expediency Council, denounced the role of the nuclear agency at the conference and said the I.A.E.A. has failed to support Iran's program.

"I am not saying that the agency has had bad intentions," he said. "But it has not fulfilled its duty to support countries to enjoy their right to have nuclear technology," he added.

The head of Iran's atomic organization, Gholamreza Aghazadeh, left Tehran for the I.A.E.A.'s headquarters in Vienna today, ISNA news agency reported.

Save Leila From Execution


To: United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

8-14 Avenue de la Paix 1211

Geneva 10, Switzerland

Leila, a 19 year old woman, faces imminent execution in Iran. What childhood she has had has been marred with physical and sexual abuse from the age of 8, giving birth to her first child at the age of 9. Having become a concubine to an Afghan man at the age of 12, Leila was forced into prostitution by him until the age of 14 when she gave birth to twin daughters. Leila was then given to a 55 year old married man who continued her history of abuse until her arrest at the age of 18, when she was found guilty of prostitution. Prostitution carries the death penalty under the Islamic laws of Iran. We, the undersigned, appeal for your involvement on Leila’s behalf based on principals of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (, to which Iran is a signatory.

Sincerely, The Undersigned

Cilck here to sign the petition.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Guerilla member hanged in Esfahan


April 24, 2006

Another exasperated young Iranian was executed, on Thursday, in the central city of Esfahan according to the Islamic regime's official sources. The young man was charged with the killing of a Militia commander, in August 2004, during a guerilla style attack against a local security building.The Militia commander, named Akbar Bayati, was shot and killed during the armed operation and several other security agents were wounded by a commando composed of four men.

Armed attacks against the Islamic regime's symbols of powers and security agents are increasing as more Iranians are loosing hope in a peaceful change of the political structure in Iran.

Rice Pushes Security Council on Iran

Houston Chronicle:

By ANNE GEARAN AP Diplomatic Writer © 2006 The Associated Press April 24 SHANNON, Ireland — The credibility of the U.N. Security Council will be in doubt if it does not take clear-cut action against Iran over Tehran's nuclear program, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Monday.

Rice made her remarks four days before the expiration of a United Nations deadline for Iran to stop uranium enrichment. That process can produce fuel for nuclear energy or material for nuclear weapons.

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency, has accused Iran of failing to answer questions about its nuclear program. In late March, it reported Tehran to the Security Council and gave it one month to address the demands.

"When the international community reconvenes after the 30 days, there has to be some message, clear message, that this kind of behavior is not acceptable, or you will start to call into question the credibility of what the Security Council says when it says it," Rice said while flying to diplomatic visits to Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria.

Though the United States has said it prefers decisive steps, Security Council members Russia and China have opposed forceful sanctions. As permanent members of the council, either of those countries could veto any proposals.

"We'll continue to discuss this with the Russians and with others, but I expect that we're going to have to have some kind of action by the Security Council that demonstrates that this is a serious matter," Rice said.

Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador Konstantin Dolgov expressed hope that before Friday, when IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei is expected to report to the agency's board and the Security Council on Iran, "there will be some further moves and steps taken which could, let's say, a little bit defuse the situation."

U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said that "assuming no change of direction by Iran _ and there's no reason to think there will be a change in direction" _ the United States will prepare a Security Council resolution under Chapter VII of the U.N. Charter, which is militarily enforceable, to make all IAEA resolutions mandatory.

Dolgov reiterated Russia's opposition to sanctions against Iran, and adopting a resolution under Chapter VII.

Asked whether China remains opposed to sanctions against Iran, China's U.N. Ambassador Wang Guangya replied, "Yes, definitely."

Would Beijing oppose a resolution under Chapter VII? "I don't think it will be a productive move," he said.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad indicated Monday that Iran might withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty on nuclear activities, and he predicted the Security Council would not impose sanctions on his country.

Meanwhile, a leading German legislator said the United States should delay "for some time" any U.N. Security Council action on Iran and talk directly to Tehran about its security concerns.

"We have time to be patient," Ruprecht Polenz, chairman of the international relations committee of the German Bundestag, said before meetings in Washington with Undersecretary of State Nichols Burns and Elliott Abrams of the National Security Council.

In the meantime, Polenz said, Russia could explore expressions of renewed interest by Iran in joint enrichment of uranium on Russian territory. The Russian proposal has U.S. and European support as a way to make sure Iran does not use enriched uranium for weapons development.

Nor, he said, would it be "a bad idea" for the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency to resume its review of Iran's nuclear activities.

By contrast, a State Department spokesman was skeptical that Iran really was interested in the Russian proposal.

"One day they will say there is a deal and the other day they will say there is no deal, and then they will say there is one _ only on their terms," spokesman Adam Ereli said.

Iran contends that its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful in purpose.

Next week, U.S., British, French, Chinese, Russian and German officials will meet "to consider the next steps that we should take in response to what we expect to be a negative report," Ereli said. ___ AP Diplomatic Writer Barry Schweid in Washington contributed to this report.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Top Islamist Militia General Gunned Down by Exasperated Soldier


Apr 23, 2006

Official sources of the Islamic republic regime are revealing the murder on, Wednesday, of a top Pasdaran Corp. (Islamic Revolutionary Guards) commander in the religious city of Ghom. General Kamal Kazemi was gunned down, by a 'crazy' conscript soldier 'who will then commit suicide', according to the same official sources which have not revealed the name of the soldier. Kazemi was a top Pasdaran Corp. instructor and the local commander of the repressive Bassiji elements who are dealing with what the Islamic regime qualifies as "immoral behavior" or “social corruption”.

Most Iranians reject the rule of the Islamic regime and radical signs of exasperation, against the symbols of the theocratic power, are increasing in Iran.

Militiamen gunned down in Shiraz


April 24

Official sources of the Islamic republic have revealed the deaths of two Islamist militiamen who were gunned down, on Thursday, in the southern City of Shiraz. Their patrol car was blocked by two vehicles and an unkown armed commnado opened fire on them. Armed attacks are in constant raise against the agents and symbols of the Islamic regime.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Islamic Republic prosecutor shot by gunmen


April 23

Official sources of the Islamic republic have revealed that the Islamist prosecutor of the City of Shadgan was seriously wounded during an armed attack by an unknown masked commando. Najafabadi, the prosecutor, has been hospitalized and is in critical conditions. Armed attacks are in constant raise against the agents and symbols of the Islamic regime.

Gender Apartheid Policy Increases in Iran


April 23

The Gender Apartheid Policy and repression of Iranian women has increased following the start, yesterday, of a new official campaign intended to enforce the observance of the Islamist mandatory veil in Iran.

Hundreds of fully black veiled and armed female security agents, qualified as "black crows" by most Iranians, have been deployed in each of Iran's main cities. Their official mission has been qualified as a 'suggestive guidance task intending to make respect the Islamic and moral values' and 'to fight the increasing western decadence'.

While officially they're 'not to use of any force or brutal manners', never less various reports are contrary to the official statements made, today, by the Islamic regime's President and heads of security forces. Reports are stating about the use of brutality, insults and fines against hundreds of maverick Iranian females who were seen opposing the black crows injunctions in several areas of Tehran, such as, Vali-e-Asr (former Pahlavi), Madar (former Mohseni) and Tajrish.

Several young girls were seen arrested and transferred to security posts in order to what has been qualified as 'proper identification'.

In some places maverick Iranian males, offended or intending to protect their mothers, sisters, female friends or the victims, from the repressive female agents, were seen beaten by male security agents who have been deployed to protect their female colleagues.

It seems that some harsh critics made by some European and American circles against the discriminatory campaign have caused the sudden issuance of official statements on the 'peaceful nature of the guidance task'.

Reports of the same type of repressive measures have been received from some of the provincial cities, such as, Esfahan, Rasht, Ghom, Mashad or Shiraz where they have already been applied before its start in the Capital.

In reality, the whole campaign has started following the quasi-official rally which took place in front of the Islamic Parliament last week. It took place in order to offer a so-called legitimate and popular back up for the discriminatory crackdown on Iranian women and was composed by dozens of fully dark veiled female agents, as well as, foreign Islamist females and even what some many Iranians call as 'veiled governmental prostitutes'. This third category is used for various purposes by the Islamic regime, such as, collecting information or approaching foreign journalists while having a more western look or in some cases wearing more provocative clothing.

Tens of Iranian women have died and hundreds of other have been injured, since 1979, for fighting for gender equality in Iran. Many of them have used mass gatherings to burn their mandatory veils and to denounce the existing repression while some naive foreign circles have started to promote, since 1997, individuals, such as, Shirin Ebadi or Mehranguiz Kar as defenders of women's rights.

In reality, while thousands of Iranian women were marching in the streets of Tehran, in 1979, and shouting "No Veil, No Submission"; Ebadi and Kar were endorsing Rouh-Ollah Khomeini's backwarded Islamist revolution. Worst, they were seen as wearing the Islamist veil in sign of such support, despite having had higher law education and human rights courses.

For a better understanding of Iranian women's case and their persistent struggle, check the following links:

SMCCDI has always been heavily involved in the genuine defense of Iranian women's rights and has been a major factor in denouncing their persistent repression. The group, which is using its website and independent satellite TV and radio networks, has always believed that Iranian women will never obtain their full rights and equality other than in the frame of a genuine secular regime.