Mohammad the Murderer
Persian Journal:
Jul 28, 2005
It is a fact that Mohammad was indeed a monstrous murderer. He invented a religion which suited him and his thugs.Unfortunarely, he was also a cunning humanist, and took advantage of the fact that people were (and some still are) in a state of despair and ready to accept a message of brotherly comradery of the common man against the rich, corrupt establishment which has haunted most civilizations in time.
Mohammad was an excellent marketing specialist, and packaged his message of hate and destruction in a pallatable format, which initially appeared to be aimed at the corrupt.
However, it is apparent by his own words in the Quran that he promoted war, death and destruction to all who opposed him. To say that all non-muslims must convert or die was to declare war on almost the entire world at that time. It also equates to a policy of genocide; this is the definition of the term "genocide."
Islam, the religion of peace? Please! It is more pre-occupied with killing all non-muslims or converting them with the threat of violence than with any misely message of love.
If you are a muslim, then you either are living in denial, ignorance, or a state of perpetual hate. In either case, I pity you.
However, it is never too late to seek the truth; I used to be a muslim until I opened my eyes.
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